Planning a wedding can, if you let it, become a pretty overwhelming and all-encompassing endeavor. That’s why I’m making sure to have lots of hobby-type undertakings to keep me appropriately distracted from what could, potentially, turn me into a crazed lunatic needing surgical removal from her blackberry. Actually, I don’t own a blackberry. But you get the point.
In addition to training for a 10K Run in (yikes) 6 weeks time, I’ve decided to try my decidedly un-green hand at growing things. I stopped buying plants and trying to keep them quite some time ago because I somehow always managed to kill even the hardiest of species. Every once in a while I’ll lament: “we have no plants in our house.” To which LX always replies: “we have no dead plants in our house.” Whatever. Smartass.
I (we) have a gorgeous rooftop patio on which, last summer, I decided I wanted to cultivate herbs and flowers of various sorts. As it happens, the only thing I managed to cultivate was a deep appreciation for a glass or two of Merlot after work as I watched the sun set.
This year I’m determined that the floral bouquet that surrounds me on my rooftop oasis has its origins someplace other than the ubiquitous bottle of red that seems to find its way up there.
It’s with this mindset that I found myself at Canadian Tire (where else?) last week, pondering the many hundreds of tiny envelopes of seeds on offer. Bombarded by explosions of colour and the promise of floral refinement & grace the likes of which I’d never seen, I was (surprisingly) able to narrow my selection to two varieties of flowers along with three types of herbs. Naturally, I took the easiest route available with the Even An Idiot Can Make These Grow Starter Kits… but I’m reserving judgment until I actually see life spring forth.
And, hey, Floyd is happy, healthy & thriving… and he’s MUCH more upkeep than a plant. So how challenging can a bit of foliage really be?
Tags: distractions, Floyd, Merlot, Plant life, Rockstar kitteh, starter kit, wedding planning