and I cannot stress enough: RESEARCH.
There is such a glut of information out there with regard to… well, everything, really. But, when it comes to weddings, there are dollars (and usually plenty of them) to be shelled out. And wherever there’s money to be made, there’s money to be scammed.
Billed as the Boston 411 Home and Bridal Show 2010, a recent event bilked around 5,000 people (vendors & guests, alike) out of their hard-earned cash.

Hopefully some of these folks will be able to recoup what they’ve lost and the asshat organizers will get what’s coming to them (it’s called Karma, people… she can be your best friend or a complete bitch: treat her nice or she’ll make sure there’s hell to pay.)
Unfortunately, these clowns managed to have reputable websites advertise for them. But there are ways to make sure you’re not taken advantage of. Talk to people. Don’t just see a website and decide a vendor is for you. Ask around. Join online forums and speak with folks who may have used these services. Find out if what’s being offered is actually what you’ll receive. Don’t be shy. And don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need to to ensure you’re comfortable with what you’re paying for. You’ll be happy you did.

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