Posts Tagged ‘ Manhattan Pride Parade ’

Gay marriage is a given here in Canada (and has been since 2005.) But in the United States, it’s still not nationally recognized as a legal state of matrimony.
This past weekend In New York, things got one step closer to fine, when it became the sixth state to legalize same-sex marriage.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure into law Friday after New York’s Republican-controlled state Senate approved it earlier that night in a 33-29 vote. It cleared the way for gay marriages to begin July 24.
And the really exciting part? A report estimated more than 21,000 gay and lesbian couples from New York would marry within the first three years and nearly 42,000 gay and lesbian couples from out of state would travel to New York for a “destination wedding.”

As many as 6,000 marchers and 2 MILLION spectators celebrated the passage of Cuomo’s bill during Manhattan’s annual Gay Pride parade.
Nice work, New York! And, once again, congratulations!

June 27th, 2011 Finding Fabulous, Marriage Miscellany | No Comments