And because they make me smile.
You’ve all seen these. I know you have because I keep seeing them posted to your Facebook profiles and they keep arriving in my email, LONG after they’ve fizzled from their viral glory.
But, I like them. And it’s my blog. So THERE.
I also feel that I should write a wee disclaimer in case LX reads this (and, since he’s my IT guy, there’s a very real possibility he will). So, in the spirit of keeping the Groom-to-Be from having a full-blown panic attack: “No, honey, I’m not planning to enroll us in dance lessons or hire a choreographer so that we can perform a Broadway number during our reception. On the other hand…”
Julia and James’ First Dance. This, to the best of my knowledge, is the first in the Choreographed First Wedding Dance craze. And, seriously… what’s not to love?
Simply titled The Best Wedding Entrance Dance Ever – it really is quite unfortunate that this over-the-top fun entrance was to a Chris “I beat my girlfriend, then conveniently forgot about it when asked on Larry King” Brown song. Whatever. How could this happy couple and their delightfully dorky friends have known?
Even better?
Jim & Pam’s version… because, well – it’s Jim & Pam.