Archive for February, 2010

Oh, happy day! My very first eBay purchase has walked back into my life and made me as giddy as a schoolgirl.
Originally thought to be lost (presumably last winter when we moved into the Rockstar House), I stumbled upon my gloriously inexpensive ($8 – beat that!) and fabulously glam stilletos (my heart weeps with the fact that they’re too big to actually wear out of the house) while searching for – of all things – the carrying strap for my yoga mat.
Yes, I really am that disorganized. Ask LX (my fiancé) about the pile of clean clothes that lives (albeit, in different incarnations) on the armchair in our bedroom, or the boxes that I’ve yet to unpack but proclaim weekly that I “really need to do something about.”
Who cares! Behold… aren’t they lovely?

You may now return to your regularly scheduled lives.

February 7th, 2010 The Purchases, Über Bargains | No Comments

~ Both a jaunty guitar ballad from the early ’90s (thank you, Tracy Chapman) and an effective blog header ~
We’re fortunate in that we’re no longer (boy are we no longer!) in our 20s and just starting out in life. We do already have our careers established. And we’re lucky enough to both have parents who are happily willing to contribute to our wedding coffers. Having said that, we also just bought our beautiful Rockstar House – a cute little townhouse in downtown Toronto. Yes, we are mortgaged and our asses officially belong to the bank. 


Our/The Bank's Rooftop Patio.

We are not financially strapped. And we’d like to keep it that way. Now, don’t get me wrong – we are by no means livin’ large. We can’t drop coin on new furniture, a new car or a whirlwind vacation without serious number crunching, planning, discussion & saving. We’ve simply gotten over that hurdle of living paycheque to paycheque. Isn’t that what your 30s are for?
This is why I’m an eBay Bride. Living in downtown Toronto is not cheap. We are not wealthy. We’re like most folks I know who choose to live in an urban centre – we get by. Oh yeah… and, as I’ve already mentioned, I’m a Cheap Bitch (perhaps I should trademark that). I like to spend less than ‘the next guy’. I enjoy the thrill of a bargain. I totally get off on paying less than you do for something we both want and/or need.
So, again I reiterate my confession: I’m Lisa… and I’m an eBay Bride.

February 1st, 2010 The Confessional | No Comments