Posts Tagged ‘ busybusybusy ’

With only 95 days until LX & I tie the proverbial knot, the Merry Month of May seems to have slipped away with very little in the way of updating my little corner of the blogosphere. I’ve somehow managed to accumulate about 2 dozen partially completed projects (half-written blog posts, a couple of stagnating creative writing attempts, several poems that have failed to launch and a number of photographs still sitting on memory cards) and no time to finish them. Okay, that’s not entirely true… there’s always time. It’s a matter of prioritizing how you fill said time.

This past month has involved a LOT of wedding-y type things. But I’m happy to say that all the designing, second-guessing, redesigning, writing, fretting, and re-writing has come to an end and our invitations have all been printed and mailed. Le PHEW! As well, quite a few of the DIY details have been taken care of and, I do believe, I’ve freed up a huge block of personal creative time for myself.
I, for one, am WELL pleased with this.

May 25th, 2010 The Confessional, Wedding WTF | No Comments